Full MIDI Version
The Opening
The Main Theme
First Statement
Second Statement
The Ending
Damn Ghosts
Metro Gnome 120 bpm
Drums & Organ 100 bpm
Different drummer & organist @ 101 bpm.
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Don't ask me where the title for this tune came from. I don't remember. I keep a list of names, and remember one on
it once was "101 Damn Changes," which of course would have been intended for a tune with too many changes for even the musicians. This tune may have too many changes, yet there are only 2 chords, an Em9 and a Dm9. Then there's the politics
of "Nations." Who could figure? Anyway, the tune is just a jam on those two chords. Try using only a 1 2 -3 5 -7 scale and come up with your own parts up and down the neck. See how chromatic notes play an interesting interchange between the chords. In the "Second Statement" you'll see and hear a somewhat different use of the same scale.
Go back to the Practice Clips.
©2006 Mello-Dee-O-Dough Music