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Bass Players Looking For A Gig
Gigs Looking For A Bass Player

     Looking for a site that lists gigs for bass players, or that lists bass players for gigs?  Many visitors to the BassSick Website have come looking for bass players.   I've seen many classifieds on the internet where you can find a bass player or a gig, and now wish I had saved the links.  Please send any URL you find in your search, and help build this page of links. You'll have to change the AT to @ to prove you're human.
Musician's Gig Link
The Musician's Online Database Exchange
Gig Serve, UK
Lexington, KY USA
Musica Network USA
Musicians seeking musicians INTERNATIONAL
New Jersey Rocks Classifieds USA
NY Rock Bulletin Board
Musician's Net
Gig Magazine
Gig Finder
Cummunity Musician

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