Get the picture keys to Stephen Beam's Doorway

Around 1981 I asked God for help in letting my life be guided by the will of God.
After several years of intense determination, I was led to realize that it was the
determination that was my anchor. We could get into some incredible discussion
regarding the journey and its rewards, but I just want to share with anyone who may
happen onto this site the best gem that was uncovered along the way. God (& we could talk forever
about what I mean by that) gave me nothing less than the meaning of life.
Those who know me, have heard it all before. It goes like this:
We are creatures created to experience the creation of our Creator,
not to judge it good or evil.The weirdest thing to me is that in all that
study I don't remember uncovering The Urantia Papers. A friend of mine just introduced me
to them this year (1998). Yeow, that is weird.
©1999 Mello-Dee-O-Dough Music